Senator Stacey Campfield Uses Ignorance From 1985 About HIV – Don’t Re-Elected Idiots!

We Must Not Re-Elected Stupid! TN Senator Stacey Campfield Uses Stupid about HIV and AIDS

My “Comment” to a post shared by Donavon C. Reed October 24, 2013

I don’t know if Donavon expected the kind of response he got when he shared a post with a Teabonics photo about a TN Senator Stacey Campfield showing his deplorable ignorance, but he sure got it. I met Donavon on Facebook when I didn’t know anything about using social media and he was willing to have patience with my ignorance and guide me on how to use this media for good. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to hopefully educate some about the ridiculous people that have actually been elected by people into an office that should represent good people.  Donavon. 

Take a look at this post:

Senator Stacey Campfield’s Idiotic Facebook Post Shared by Donavon C. Reed

I, as many others lost a coworker, partly because of the ignorance that surrounded HIV and AIDS back in 1985. Back then the virus and disease was emerging and we just didn’t know much about it. There was also prejudice and mistreatment. Tracey (an Emergency Medical Technician ((EMT),) worked for New York City’s Emergency Medical Service NYC*EMS as did I. When she contracted the HIV the city decided to try to prosecute her instead of paying for her care or giving any assistance whatever.

I explain in my comment to Donavon’s post which I put here and is the photo above:

 In 1985, while HIV was emerging and we didn’t know much about it at all, I was teaching Paramedics at the New York City Emergency Medical Services academy. It was a scary time for healthcare providers and first responders. We weren’t really sure of all the ways it could be contracted, and not be contracted. Think about treating bloody, vomiting, spitting, patients and not knowing if you would contract a virus of which there was no cure for. I was very fortunate to be taught by Dr. Gillette who was one of eight physicians chosen by the government to disseminate information throughout the medical community as it was learned by the scientific and medical communities. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) was initially known as LTV-1 and then LTV-2, (lymphatic T-cell Virus.) One of the biggest fears, and problems, was not knowing about how the the virus could be, and could not be, transmitted. An Emergency Medical Technician (EMT,) Tracey, contracted HIV by treated a patient in cardiac arrest. It progressed into Acquired Immunodeficiency Disease (AIDS.) She died at a very young age from treating a patient. There was a lot of prejudice back then. NYC*EMS chose to fight paying her medical bills and give any assistance, and instead chose to attack this EMT and spend a lot of money trying to prove that the disease was not work related and that she was promiscuous, and that she “probably contracted the disease through unprotected heterosexual sex.” She died after just a few tears while her and her family were actually going hungry. About a year after her death a judge decided that the city was “insane” with their claims and went off pretty good at the citie4s attorneys. He awarded the family some money. She was not able to get whatever little treatment that became available because the city chose to use the ignorance that was surrounding the disease. That was in 1985! We now know a tremendous amount about the virus and disease, how can this Senator, and other Tea Party members, and Republicans continue to use ignorance to try to win political gain is beyond me. Please go to

to find your Congressmen/women, and Senators, and their e-mail addresses and phone numbers to contact them about this, or any issue that you are passionate about. We must inundate their offices with our concerns to have any chance of being heard. I took the liberty of looking up this jackass’ contact information should you want to contact him. Please visit

to contact YOUR representatives.

John A Smith's photo.

 Here is Senator Stacey Campfield’s contact information should you have something to say to him:

Senator Stacey Campfield

District 7 — Part of Knox County


district address

2011 Flagler
Knoxville, TN 37912

nashville address

301 6th Avenue North
Suite 317 War Memorial Bldg.
Nashville, TN 37243
Phone (615) 741-1766

 And remember,
To contact YOUR Congressmen/women about anything you wish to be heard on, go to;
 Link to find YOUR Congressmen/women, their contact information, and how they voted

 And remember, to contact YOUR Senators about anything you wish to be heard on, go to;
Link to find your Senators, their contact information, and see how they voted

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