
I Challenge YOU to Educate the Low-Information Voters Who Are Hurting Themselves and the Rest Of The Country – Really, This is a Challenge, You Game?

Most of us wonder how people can vote in political candidates and incumbents into, or back into elected office that clearly do not represent their own personal interests. How do women vote for a Governor that clearly is attacking women’s rights? Like when a Governor wants to force any woman who wants an abortion to be raped by requiring them to endure a trans-vaginal ultrasound even though no medical doctor prescribed it, or even says that it is not necessary, or any of the other disgraceful ways the TeaPublicans have attacked women and their rights. How do people who don’t/didn’t have any healthcare, whose state already gets much more money from Washington D.C. then it sends to the government, vote for politicians who refuse to expand Medicaid (which wouldn’t cost their state a dime for the 1st 3 years and then only 5-10% percent of the costs after that) and/or refuse to set-up healthcare exchanges to help those who can’t afford reasonable healthcare get affordable healthcare? After speaking to many people and getting a lot of feedback from people who actually live in those areas, like the Southeast, I found that we don’t understand something. It reminds me of a story I saw on the news many years ago that I still can’t, or won’t, forget. There was a 14 year old boy, attending Public School, in New York City, it was discovered that his parents were making him live in a coffin, whenever he wasn’t in school he would have to stay in a coffin. When he returned from school he had to get into his coffin, he had to eat, wash, and yes defecate in the coffin! When it hit the news the first question was obvious, “Why didn’t you tell anyone?” His answer? He was surprised by the question, “I thought everyone lived the same way I did.” Understandably the child was severely introverted and had no friends so he really didn’t talk to anyone unless he had to. But it made me realize that if you brought up a son or daughter in a green room for 5 years and told that child the color of the room was blue, what do you think that child would say the color of a green traffic light was? That’s why people in areas that receive more in social welfare like disability, food stamps, Social Security, and so forth, vote for politicians that claim the government is a socialist one and is bad! So why don’t they just get smarter? Watch more news? Read more? Well, some of them do, but what they are seeing, hearing, and reading is total bullcrap because the ultra-rich are controlling what they see, hear, and read. Did you know that the Koch Brothers went as far as paying off a State College in Tallahassee, Florida (FSU) to have the final word of who the economics department hired! Yea, no lie! Charles Koch Buys Rights To Control Who Florida State University Hires in their Economic Dept. The amount of money being spent on corrupting our politicians, elections, and on media (written, TV, internet, and other outlets) is absolutely insane. Why do they spend this money? Because it gives the 1% power, power through influence. What can we do? We can make sure that those people who “only watch Fox (faux – false) news” and only see, hear, and read, the misinformation they are being fed, that are told that the room is blue, get the facts, the truth, that the light is GREEN! We must find a way to get the truth to the “low-information voters,” whom many are not to blame for being wrong, and we must do it without the advantage that the ultra-rich billionaires have, which is billions of dollars. I want to challenge each and everyone of you who actually read this post. I want to challenge you to start a massive information blitz telling the facts, the truth, and get it out there in every way you know, in hopes of some of the information getting to those people who are only being told the room is blue. I thought I would try something. We know that those low-information people see very limited information, they may not read a lot, or watch much other than a source that misleads them, so we have to do something that is simple, interesting, and will appeal to those who can’t be bothered researching information. The information must be served in a way that will catch their attention. If enough of the information makes it to these people, perhaps we can get them to see that they are hurting themselves. That’s why I’m asking you, challenging you in fact, to join me in an information campaign targeting those low-information voters. Whatever you create and get out there, remember that it must be something that the target audience will relate to. For instance, I want to target the red states (9 out of 10 of the poorest states are Republican states) in the Southeast, so I’m going to start making memes (pictures with something you write on them) and I’m going to use NASCAR pictures. Here’s my 1st idea on how to start getting information to these people: I challenge each and everyone of you to the make and distribute the best meme, to educate the misinformed, one that will get widespread attention and circulation, so much so that it will make it’s way into the areas where these voters are, and to get widespread distribution of that meme so that it will reach our target audience. Don’t know how to make a meme? “No problem it’s not only easy, it’s fun. Below, I give you a couple really easy ways of doing it, and showing your creativity and sense of humor. So what do you say? Hey, if you share this and my blog post and get others involved we could have millions of these target oriented information memes circulating everywhere! Some of them are bound to reach our target audience and change some minds, AND VOTES! O.K. Let’s see what we can do. Contact me if you have any questions, and please involve as many people as you can by sharing this. Thanks so much for your anticipated cooperation.

How to Make a Meme

There are numerous free sites to assist you in your quest to make a meme, whether you want to be funny, creative, a mix sending a serious message and being a creative, funny, teacher. The site I’m going to recommend here is one that I found to be the easiest and quickest. You will make a meme in a few minutes, I promise. Go to quickmeme by clicking on the colored word (link) quickmeme in this sentence. This is what you will see:

Quickmeme - A Meme Generator

Quickmeme – A Meme Generator

Step 1: On the black on top, instead of seeing a picture of me you will see the word “Login.” You will need to click this and register/Login, if you are on Facebook you can just click Log in with Facebook, or simply type in whatever information you need to, to create an account.

Step 2: Your ready to make a meme. You can use any of the pictures you see, or you can browse the web, or your personal photos, and “upload” a picture (more on uploading in a minute.) Pick a picture by simply clicking on the picture you want to use. I’ve picked one as an example, I chose one that they call “Condescending Wonka” this is what you’ll see:

Condescending Wonka from quickmeme

Condescending Wonka from quickmeme

Step 3: Your almost done! Now put your creative, humorous thinking cap on and fill in the prompts; 1st think of a title, the title will only be seen when your meme is listed with other memes for people to see. Then fill in the “Top Caption, this is what will appear at the top of the picture. Finally fill in the “Bottom Caption.” Suggestion: The Top Caption should be the set-up for the point you want to make, the Bottom Caption should be the punchline to drive your point home. See what I’ve done here (mind you, I never claimed to be good at humor.):

quickmeme instruction on filling in the content of a meme

quickmeme instruction on filling in the content of a meme

Step 4: Click “Create” Congratulations! You just made your very first meme! Don’t leave yet, you need to save your work! You can click on “File” and save it, or you can share it to Twitter or Facebook and then “save it as a picture” from there. Done!

Now that your an expert you may want to try other meme generators that give you a little more control, like picking what size the text is, and other options. I suggest you try Imgur.

I promised to tell you about “uploading” your own pictures. It’s very simple. If you’ve ever saved a picture on your computer it was shared into a “file” the default file would be “pictures” or “My Pictures”. If you want to use your own picture, instead of clicking on one of the pictures the meme generator offers, like when I picked Wonka, simply click on “Upload” a picture. that will bring you to your files on your computer, one of which is where you saved your pictures. Simply navigate to the picture you want to use and double click on it, or click on a picture and then click on “save” or “open”, your picture will be uploaded to the meme generator like Wonka was and you can do the same steps as before to create a meme.

Finally, and this is the best, if you have an idea for a meme and have a picture in mind that you would like to use, type the topic into your “search” box on the top of your browser and then click images, it will give you a bunch of pictures to choose from, then save it. This is a picture of my browser:

Google Screenshot

Google Screenshot

You’ll notice in Google the big white bar near the top of the screen, that’s the address bar. To the right of that is the “search box”, you can type in there whatever you want to find a picture of, ex: fire engine and hit enter, that will give you a list of articles on fire engines, but above the list of articles you’ll see the word “images”, simply click on that and you will have a number of pictures of fire engines. Save one into “pictures by right clicking on the picture you want, then left click “Save Image As” and it will open up your library of folders. click on the “Pictures” folder to open it, then name the picture in the box that says “File Name” and then click “Save”. You then have a picture you can upload to use in a meme. Note: instead of the search box you can click on the word “images” on the google screen, it’s just below the search box, then click in what picture you want to find.

GOOD LUCK! ENJOY! And PLEASE join this challenge so we can educate those who are being fed the ultra-rich garbage so we can keep the Senate and take back the house. If you have any questions use the “Contact Me” button on my blog ay thanks for helping take back our Republic.

War on Poverty 50 Years Old

War on Poverty 50 Years Old – President Johnson Declared the War on January 8, 1964 During His State of the Union Speech

President Lyndon B. Johnson State of the Union Speech January 8, 1964

 President Lyndon Johnson stood in the Capitol on Jan. 8, 1964, and, in his first State of the Union address, committed the nation to a war on poverty.

 “We shall not rest until that war is won,” Johnson said. “The richest nation on Earth can afford to win it. We cannot afford to lose it.”

 There are currently 46 million Americans living below the poverty line. Take that in for a moment, Forty-Six (46) Million Americans. For a single parent with child the poverty line is $15,510/yr, ($1,292.50/mo or about $300.00/wk.) For a family of four the line is at $23,550. See the entire 2013 Federal Guidelines at Families USA

 On Nov. 22, 1963, just hours after Kennedy was assassinated, Johnson was meeting with advisers in Washington to get the affairs of state in order. The chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, Walter Heller, mentioned to Johnson that under Kennedy, he had begun looking at ways to help those in poverty — about 1 in 5 Americans at the time. The new President, historian Robert Caro told NPR’s David Greene wanted to go “Full Tilt” on the program.

 That ambitious initiative would help Johnson politically. Many liberals, who had rallied around the cause of poverty, were suspicious of him — but it was something he knew the pain of personally.

 His father failed. He once had been a very respected state legislator and businessman, and he totally failed. And as a result, for the rest of his boyhood, Lyndon lived in a home that they were literally afraid every month that the bank might take away. There was often no food in the house, and neighbors had to bring covered dishes with food. In this little town, to be that poor, there were constant moments of humiliation for him, and insecurity. It was a terrible boyhood.

 He says, President Johnson, [the causes of poverty may lie]  “In a lack of education and training, in a lack of medical care and housing, in a lack of decent communities in which to live.” These were to Johnson real-life foes, and Johnson knew what to do with enemies: You destroyed them. So he loved the word “war.”

READ MORE: “For LBJ, The War On Poverty Was Personal” by NPR Staff.

 Unless your over, say, 55, you probably wouldn’t remember the poverty that existed then. The same way that the ultra-rich can’t really understand how little people live on in this country, and how hard it is to just survive, you can hardly the poverty was shared by both black and white equal measure. When you heard Former Presidential candidate Mitt Romney talk of the famous “47%” it was because he truly believed what he was saying because he had never lived not knowing where his next meal was coming from. From time-to-time you will see the media ask a politician how much a loaf of bread, or gallon of milk cost, often, they don’t know. I remember seeing a news report in New York that I never forgot. They had discovered a 14 year old boy, who was attending public school that when he wasn’t in school he was kept in a coffin at home. He ate and defecated in the coffin. For obvious reasons the boy was introverted and when asked the most obvious question of all by the media he said “I thought everyone lived the same way.” My point is this, unless you witnessed it, you cannot imagine America’s poverty before LBJ’s anti-poverty effort. It was to be a worthwhile effort. People were highly motivated and totally committed to their mission.
New programs included Housing, Foodstamps, Headstart, and Medicaid. It was amazing how people could get by on so little and begin to lift themselves out of poverty. The Federal programs were equal in every state until the 1990’s. Former President Clinton signed a bill that returned Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) to states in block grants. Since then the states decided your eligibility and fewer families qualified. The number of homeless families grew as a result. 




by the National Alliance to End Homelessness

  It is very difficult to determine how many homeless people there are in the world because countries have different legal definitions for homelessness. Natural disasters and sudden civil unrest also complicate the picture. The best we have is a conservative estimate from the United Nations in 2005, which puts the number of homeless at 100 million.

 By the Numbers from the National Alliance to End Homelessness (NAEH)

  Homelessness occurs when people or households are unable to acquire and/or maintain housing they can afford.

The Big Picture
  While circumstances can vary, the main reason people experience homelessness is because they cannot find housing they can afford. It is the scarcity of affordable housing in the United States, particularly in more urban areas where homelessness is more prevalent, that is behind their inability to acquire or maintain housing.
By the numbers:

  • There are 610,042 people experiencing homelessness on any given night in the United States.
  • Of that number, 222,197 are people in families, and
  • 387,845 are individuals.
  • About 18 percent of the homeless population – 109,132 – are considered “chronically homeless,”and
  • About 9 percent of homeless adults- 57,849 – are veterans. These numbers come from point-in-time counts, which are conducted, community by community, on a single night in January every other year. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires communities to submit this data every other year in order to qualify for federal homeless assistance funds. Many communities conduct counts more regularly.

How Many People are Homeless in the United States?

 One approximation of the annual number of homeless in America is from a study by the National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty, which estimates between 2.3 and 3.5 million people experience homelessness. According to a 2008 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development report an estimated 671,888 people experienced homelessness in one night in January 2007. Some 58 percent of them were living in shelters and transitional housing and, 42 percent were unsheltered.

How many of the homeless are children?

One out of 50—or about 1.5 million—American children are homeless each year, according to a 2009 study by the National Center on Family Homelessness.
See state-by-state rankings on child homelessness.

See more information on homelessness and how to help at the National Alliance to End Homelessness .

Food Stamps


Food Stamps (SNAP) is a nutrition assistance program serving over 40 million low income Americans. Basically the program provides about $1.50 per meal, per person, although that was prior to the $5B that was recently cut from the program. There currently proposed “Farm Bill” in the Senate would cut another $4B, and the currently proposed Farm Bill in the Congress would cut $40B. A disabled veteran that I spoke to was receiving $184.00 per month prior to the $5B cut that recently took place, he now receives $173.00 per month. That’s not what I call “supporting our troops” like the Republicans like to continuously say.

Wikipedia – The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP),[1] formerly known as the Food Stamp program, provides food-purchasing assistance for low- and no-income people living in the U.S. It is a federal aid program, administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, under the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) Administration, though benefits are distributed by each U.S. state‘s Division of Social Services or Children and Family Services.

SNAP is the largest nutrition assistance program and is estimated to have served more than 40 million low income Americans per year in recent years. The SNAP caseload has increased substantially as result the recent economic crisis, in addition to rising food prices[2] As an entitlement program, SNAP benefits costs $76.4 billion in Fiscal Year 2013 and supplied roughly 47.6 million Americans with an average of $133.08 per month in food assistance.[3] It is the largest nutrition program (see also WIC) and is a critical component of the federal social safety net for low-income Americans.[4] The high cost of the SNAP program makes the Nutrition title the most expensive, and contentiously debated, title of the United States farm bill.[5]

Education – Headstart


 In a conversation with Brian Williams on January 9, 2013 during a special NBC broadcast called “Poverty in America” House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) said “It has Failed” when he spoke of the War on Poverty. However, he did say:
“pre-K makes a difference,” but he did not endorse any specific solution – only to say that the government should “stop subsidizing programs that are failing.” 

President Obama called for universal pre-K to be a national priority in his State of the Union last year. But there has since been no movement in Congress on expanding it. Ryan, who has said social safety nets have “failed miserably,” has made it a point to go to impoverished areas over the past year to try and show Republicans in a more compassionate light. Read More.

Head Start is a federal program that promotes the school readiness of children ages birth to 5 from low-income families by enhancing their cognitive, social and emotional development. Head Start programs provide comprehensive services to enrolled children and their families, which include health, nutrition, social services and other services determined to be necessary by family needs assessments, in addition to education and cognitive development services. Head Start services are designed to be responsive to each child and family’s ethnic, cultural and linguistic heritage.

Healthcare and Social Security



 In order to fight poverty, Lyndon Johnson pushed legislation that introduced or led to healthcare programs such as Medicare and Medicaid; education programs such as Head Start; and an expansion to Social Security.

 Social Security  

 A system that distributes financial benefits to retired or disabled people, their spouses, and their dependent children based on their reported earnings. While you work, you may pay taxes into the Social Security system. When you retire or become disabled, you, your spouse, and your dependent children may get monthly benefits that are based on your reported earnings. Your survivors may be able to collect Social Security benefits if you die.

 Politicians took money out of Social Security. The following excerpt is from the 1998 Senate Budget Committee session. Note the underlined portions.

GREENSPAN: I will wait to see what the numbers look like.

HOLLINGS: Well, the truth is…ah, shoot, well, we all know there’s Washington’s math problem. Alan Sloan in this past week’s Newsweek says he spends 150%. What we’ve been doing, Mr. Chairman, in all reality, is taken [sic] a hundred billion out of the Social Security Trust Fund, transferring it over to the spending column, and spending it. Our friends to the left here are getting their tax cuts, we [sic] getting our spending increases, and hollering surplus, surplus, and balanced budget, and balanced budget plans when we continue to spend a hundred billion more than we take in. 
That’s the reality, and I think that you and I, working the same side of the street now, can have a little bit of success by bringing to everybody’s attention this is all intended surplus. In other words, when we passed the Greenspan Commission Report, the Greenspan Commission Report only had Social Security in 1983 a two hundred million surplus. It’s projected to have this year (1998) a 117 million surplus. I’ve got the schedule, I’ll ask to put in the record the CBO report: 117, 126, 130, 100, going right through to 2008 over the ten year period of 186 billion surplus. That was intended; this is dramatic about all these retirees, the baby boomers. But we foresaw that baby boomer problem, we planned against that baby boomer problem. Our problem is we’ve been spending that particular reserve, that set-aside that you testify to that is so necessary. That’s what I’m trying to get this government back to reality, if we can do that.

We owe Social Security 736 billion right this minute. If we saved 117 billion, we could pay that debt down, and have the wonderful effect on the capital markets and savings rate. Isn’t that correct? Thank you very much, Sir. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

It should be obvious from the above that the government has for decades been taking the money intended to pay Social Security benefits and spending it as general revenue. The Social Security trust fund is filled with Government IOUs, and those people who insists Social Security is solvent are operating in the faith that T-bills are always good, because the taxpayer can always be forced to redeem them.

But there is a problem. There are so many T-bills in the Social Security fund that when the baby-boomers start applying for benefits, the sudden surge of T-bills being presented for payment would collapse the Federal System, because there are not enough young taxpayers to carry the extra load.

 Read More from What Really Happened.
We owe Social Security $736 Billion Dollars

The fact is that politicians took money from Social Security or it would be solvent today. We saw the baby boomer situation and were prepared for it. But then the money was taken out of the trust, and now they call it an “entitlement.” REALLY?! I want to take $736B from the tax breaks for the ultra-rich and corporations and when they ask for it back tell them we don’t have the money for their entitlements that they think they deserve.


In 1964, 44 percent of seniors had no health care coverage, and with the medical bills that come with older age, this propelled many seniors into poverty. In fact, more than one in three Americans over 65 were living below the poverty line — more than double the rate of those under 65. Medicare was an important and big change in American health care — it was called the “biggest management job since the invasion of Normandy” — and it was up to John Gardner to make it work. He helped shepherd Medicare to reality, and the results have been extraordinary: virtually all seniors now have health care, and the poverty rate for the elderly has fallen to approximately one in ten — a rate lower than that of the general population. Along with Medicare, the Johnson Administration established the Medicaid program to provide health care to the poor. 
People Don’t Understand the Benefits of the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act”
Prior to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was signed into law people like to forget that the cost of their healthcare was going up significantly every year, doubling in four years. These increases were happening while insurance company executives were getting bigger and bigger salaries, and even bigger bonuses. The rise in healthcare premiums were slowed immediately when the ACA was signed into law. One of the reason the costs slowed was because the ACA had a provision that the insurance companies had to spend 80% of all the money they collected through premiums. Many people received refund checks from their insurance companies because they didn’t spend the money from premiums on actual patient claims, and the law said they could no longer just give it to themselves. Most people didn’t know why their insurance companies had sent then that check, and still don’t. 

 The Cost of Medicare and Medicaid and Medicare Part D

Another reason the raising cost of Medicaid and Medicare was the passage of the “Prescription Drug Bill” in which immediately after it’s passage former President George W. Bush went on television and was taking “a victory lap” for “helping the seniors” with the cost of their prescription drug costs. There were a few problems with this sham, these lies, of how “good” it was. Leading up to this bill coming to a vote the Republicans said it would only cost $395B over the first decade. Within two months of signing the Medicare Modernization Act (MMA) into law, President Bush quietly informed Congress that the true cost of the program would be $550 billion, not $395 billion, over the next decade. By the time the program was launched in 2006, the estimated 10 year price tag for the Medicare prescription plan had increased to $720 billion. 

See To Attack Obamacare Republicans Forget the Lessons of Bush’s Medicare Reform
1. President Bush initially opposed it. On Jan. 1, 2006, the federal government launched Part D, which enabled the nation’s 43 million Medicare beneficiaries to get subsidized prescriptions through a choice of private insurance plans. But in early 2003, the Bush administration was opposed to providing the new benefit to those enrolled in traditional Medicare (that is, 85 percent of all recipients). Instead, those wanting to gain the drug benefit would have to switch to an HMO or private Medicare Advantage plan. As the New York Times explained in March 2003:

The Bush administration backed away from its idea to offer no drug benefits to elderly people in the traditional fee-for-service Medicare program. But drug benefits available through private plans would be far more extensive, so Medicare recipients would have strong incentives to join private plans.

It was only the overwhelming public opposition to Bush’s Medicare privatization agenda that forced Republicans to make the prescription drug benefit available to all Medicare recipients. It was with an eye towards the 2004 elections that House Majority Leader Tom Delay warned his recalcitrant colleagues:

“We must forget about ideological absolutes.”

2. Medicare Part D was not paid for. When it was passed in December 2003, the new Medicare drug benefit was forecast by the Bush administration to cost $395 billion over its first decade. To pay for the program, President Bush and his GOP allies did—wait for it—nothing. As Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch admitted in 2009, during the Bush years:

“It was standard practice not to pay for things.”

In contrast, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office has forecast that with its cost savings and new revenue sources, the Affordable Care Act will reduce the national debt over the next two decades. In response, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, who voted for Medicare Part D, denounced the CBO for “budget gimmickry.”

3. The Bush White House lied to Congress about the cost. Within two months of signing the Medicare Modernization Act (MMA) into law, President Bush quietly informed Congress that the true cost of the program would be $550 billion, not $395 billion, over the next decade. When Medicare actuary Richard Foster sought to present the true price tag to Congress in late 2003, then agency chief Thomas Scully threatened to fire him. By the time the program was launched in 2006, the estimated 10 year price tag for the Medicare prescription plan had increased to $720 billion.

As the New York Times reported later in 2004, the GAO ultimately concluded that the Bush administration “illegally withheld data from Congress on the cost of the new Medicare law” and that Scully “should repay seven months of his salary to the government.” While Scully was later fined for other ethics violations, he was never held accountable for his role in the Medicare fraud. Today, Thomas Scully “now works for a law firm and a private investment firm, has registered as a lobbyist for Abbott Laboratories, Aventis Pharmaceuticals, Caremark Rx and other health care companies.”

4. Part D costs could have been lower. Mercifully, those dire forecasts in 2006 did not come to pass. But it was much lower enrollment (77 versus 93 percent) and the rapid adoption of generic drugs, rather than “competitive mechanisms” which largely explain the lower Medicare Part D bill for taxpayers.

But the costs to Uncle Sam could have been much lower. Then as now, Democrats wanted the federal government to negotiate directly with the pharmaceutical companies and pass the savings onto the Treasury and beneficiaries. In November 2005, a report released by Democratic staff on the House Government Reform Committee showed that under the new Medicare plan, prices for 10 commonly prescribed drugs were 80 percent higher than those negotiated by the Veterans Department, 60 percent above that paid by Canadian consumers and still 3 percent higher than volume pharmacies such as Costco and The report concluded that:

“The prices offered by the Medicare drug plans are higher than all four benchmarks, in some cases significantly so. This increases costs to seniors and federal taxpayers and makes it doubtful that the complicated design of Medicare Part D provides any tangible benefit to anyone but drug manufacturers and insurers.”

Which is exactly as Louisiana Republican Billy Tauzin designed it. Just months after shepherding the Medicare prescription bill he wrote through the House, Tauzin, the chairman of the Energy and Commerce committee, left Congress and accepted a $2 million-a-year job as president of PhRMA — the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America. 

 The MMA’s ban on Medicare negotiating better prices directly with the drug companies is the key reason why only 16 Democratic House members voted for it.

5. Part D would not have passed without Tom Delay’s ethics violations.  Tom Sculley wasn’t the only Bush administration rule-breaker who ethics violations made passage of the Medicare drug benefit possible.
As you may recall, Tom Delay twisted arms and extended debate on the bill by hours in order to ensure passage. But that wasn’t all, as CBS News recounted Delay’s reprimand from the House ethics committee:

The investigation, by a four-member subcommittee, was triggered when the retiring [Nick]Smith said that unidentified lawmakers and business interests promised substantial money to his son’s congressional campaign if he voted for the Medicare legislation. Smith said the same interests threatened to support other candidates if he didn’t change his vote from “no” to “yes.” The committee found DeLay “offered to endorse Representative Smith’s son in exchange for Representative Smith’s vote in favor of the Medicare bill. In the view of the investigative subcommittee, this conduct could support a finding that Majority Leader DeLay violated House rules.”

6. Democrats improved Medicare Part D. In his Washington Post screed, former HHS Secretary Leavitt declared, “Part D and the Affordable Care Act resulted from contentious negotiations and fierce legislative battles.” That statement is true in much the same way that a Yugo and a Mercedes are both cars. 

After all, it’s not just that only three GOP senators and zero House members voted for the Affordable Care Act. House Republicans have voted 39 times since 2011 to repeal the ACA. Meanwhile, Democrats opposed the Part D legislation because they wanted to make it better. And since 2003, they have. After all, it was Obamacare which has reduced the costs of the so-called “donut hole” which left Medicare recipients with the steep out of pocket costs for their prescriptions. And over 30 million Medicare recipients have taken advantage of new preventive services now covered by the ACA.

As Sarah Kliff noted back in June:

Eight years ago, the federal government rolled out Medicare Part D, a prescription drug benefit. For the first time ever, Medicare was launching a benefit administered exclusively through private health insurance plans. The benefit was not popular: In the spring of 2005, when enrollment efforts ramped up, polls showed Medicare Part D to be less popular than the Affordable Care Act. Fewer Americans felt they understood how it worked, too.

Things have improved, and not just because of the efforts of officials like Mike Leavitt. Unlike the Republicans still trying to kill the Obamacare, Democrats helped make Medicare and its Part D prescription drug benefit better.

Originally posted to Jon Perr on Wed Jul 17, 2013 at 01:09 PM PDT. DailyKos

Recap: White House Lied to Congress, Tom Delay’s Ethics Violations, Politicians Leave Congress to Accept $2M-a-year Jobs at Pharmaceutical Companies and Lobbying Organizations. WOW! Now that’s Healthcare Reform!


War on Poverty or War on Poor?

Original meme by

Republicans and TeaPublicans are screaming that they will not consider extending the Emergency Unemployment Compensation to the 1.3 million Americans whose benefits ran out on December 28, 2013. I don’t necessarily disagree with having a way to pay for anything that we spend, but let’s look at how we can find that money in a way that doesn’t crush middle America because they can’t find a job. Right now there are 3 applicants for every job available in this country. Not only was the Prescription Drug plan not paid for, neither was the Iraq war which former President George W. Bush out right lied to the American people to get us into, and many other things the current President inherited. As Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch admitted in 2009, during the Bush years: “It was standard practice not to pay for things.” I say that since the Afghanistan war is costing us $2B a week, and it would cost $6B to fully fund the Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) we bring the troops home just 3 weeks earlier. O.K. you don’t like that one, how about taking $6B in corporate subsidies back from the corporations? How about the tax breaks for the wealthy that have gone on for 10 years under the premise that those tax cuts would “create jobs” which has been proven time and time again didn’t happen. It always disturbs me when the Republicans have the gall to call the wealthy, who receive these tax cuts “Job Creators” when in fact everyone, except the low-information Fox News watchers, know is not the case.

You can’t keep taking from the poor and middle class, giving to the rich and corporations, and continue the income inequality that has gone on for decades and expect the country, and economy,  to grow. But they don’t care, who? you ask? The Ultra-Rich, the corporations, the people using the absurd Citizens United decision to contribute massive amounts of money to influence our politicians and elections. The war on poverty is no where as big as the war on the poor.

References for Wikipedia description of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

  1. ^ “Nutrition Assistance Program Home Page”, U.S. Department of Agriculture (official website), March 3, 2011 (last revised). Accessed March 4, 2011.
  2. Jump up ^ Wilde, Parke (January 2012). “THE NEW NORMAL: THE SUPPLEMENTAL NUTRITION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (SNAP)”. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 95 (2): 325–331. doi:10.1093/ajae/aas043.
  3. Jump up ^ “SNAP Monthly Data”. 2013-12-06. Retrieved 2013-12-31.
  4. Jump up ^ Wilde, Parke (May 2012). Amer. J. Agr. Econ 95 (2): : 325–331. doi:10.1093/ajae/aas043.
  5. Jump up ^ “Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Participation and Costs”. Food and Nutrition Services. Retrieved 17 December 2013.

Medicare Part D – Joe Scarborough Doesn’t Remember "All These Problems"

 Medicare Part D – It’s Problems – It’s Rollout Similarities to the Affordable Care Act

by Kaiser Family Foundation
It bothered my when Joe Scarborough said he didn’t remember “all these problems” with the Prescription Drug Plan bill back when President George W. Bush and the Republicans pushed through what some call the “worst legislation passed since the 1960’s. At about 6:20 AM  this morning on his show, Joe Scarborough said “the only thing I remember is that they (the Republicans) held the vote open for 3 weeks and then bribed Nick Smith for his vote. He should use his current health plan to look into what pharmaceuticals are available for a bad memory. I sent an e-mail off to the show immediately, here’s a copy of the text:
“First let me say that I love Morning Joe and you all help me start my day, everyday. I’ve been watching for years and depend on the show to start my day and gather information before I work on my blog which I use to inform and motivate people to become well informed and especially to contact Congressmen/women and Senators.
At approximately 6:20 AM Joe Scarborough said he didn’t remember “all these problems with Medicare Part D.”  What I remember about the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act is that the vote was held open until like 3:00 AM while Republicans twisted arms of other Republicans to vote for the bill. The party threatened Republicans to not back them in their next election if they didn’t vote for the bill. I remember that it took away the right to negotiate price (except for the Veterans Administration who was smart enough to stay out of it) and the price Medicare would pay for a common heart went from $280 annually to over $1200 annually.
On December 8, 2003 these provisions of the law passed the Congress by a narrow margin:

  • it provides a subsidy for large employers to discourage them from eliminating private prescription coverage to retired workers (a key AARP goal.)
  • it prohibits the Federal government from negotiating discounts with drug companies;
  • it prevents the government from establishing a formulary , though does not prevent private providers such as HMO’s from doing so.

It’s the second one I have a problem with, especially since the Republicans and George W. Bush offered no way whatsoever of paying for it!
Later, after the hugh windfall that drug companies enjoyed, I believe it was 60 Minutes who reported, 23-25 of the politicians that co-sponsored the bill had left their jobs in the Congress by either not running for re-election or, in at least one case, just resigned their position, and went to work for pharmaceutical companies at salaries well north of $1M a year.
Joe Scarborough doesn’t remember any problems with the bill except for one Congressman that the Republicans were pressuring to change his vote, perhaps he should look into what prescriptions are available for senility.”


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Here are Some of the Problems Medicare Part D had on Rollout

For one thing, the Bush administration faced a difficult political battle to get the bill passed in 2003. I remember they had to hold the vote open until 3:00 AM while they twisted the Republicans arms to vote for the bill. Joe Scarborough said they actually held the vote open for three weeks, I don’t know about that.

That damaged public opinion of the law, making it a challenge to educate 43 million seniors on its nuances.

Enrollment in the law was set to begin in late 2005. In April of that year, a Kaiser Family Foundation poll found that only 27 percent of respondents understood the law, while only 21 percent favored it. (In a comparable Kaiser poll in April 2013, 35 percent viewed the Affordable Care Act favorably and less than half felt they were well-informed of its details.)

The Medicare site, meant to help seniors pick benefit plans, was supposed to debut Oct. 13, 2005, but it didn’t go live until weeks later in November. Even then, “the tool itself appeared to be in need of fixing,” the Washington Post reported at this time.

From PolitiFact – Did Medicare Part D have the same rollout problems as the Obamacare online marketplaces? :

“Visitors to the site could not access it for most of the first two hours. When it finally did come up around 5 p.m., it operated awfully slowly,” the Post reported. (Sensing a pattern?)

Once seniors began to enroll, problems persisted. According to the report, the online tools had “accuracy problems,” and local organizations designated with assisting seniors “reported problems getting necessary and accurate information.” Call centers provided by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services underestimated “the needed capacity to ensure that reliable answers could be provided” and “service representatives were not knowledgeable or failed to provide accurate information.”

The Georgetown experts anticipated similar hiccups with the Affordable Care Act, noting that the country’s experience with Medicare Part D suggested “the experience will be far from perfect” and “problems were not always addressed as quickly or as thoroughly as critics would have liked, but fixes were usually found.”
These days, nine in 10 seniors who utilize the program report they are satisfied with it.
“There’s really a striking amount of similarity even though this time it’s a far larger and daunting task. It’s a fair comparison,” said Jack Hoadley at the Georgetown University’s Health Policy Institute and one of the authors of the study. “Once something works its way through the problems, you forget the problems.”

Approximately twp weeks before the bill passed and the Bush administration was saying the law would cost about $100M, but it was revealed that the plan would cost at least $500M, it turned out to cost much, much, more.

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 In a story by Nick Gillespie at on November 19, 2013:

         According to the latest actuaries’ report, Medicare Part D will cost taxpayers – beneficiaries pay virtually nothing –    Part D will cost taxpayers — beneficiaries pay virtually nothing — $62 billion this year. This figure is expected to rise sharply in coming years to $150 billion in 2019. By 2030, Part D alone will cost taxpayers 1 percent of GDP. In present value terms, Medicare Part D adds almost $16 trillion to our national indebtedness. (That’s how much would need to be in a trust fund today to pay all the benefits that have been promised over and above the trivial premiums paid by beneficiaries.) That is why former U.S. Comptroller David Walker has called the unfunded prescription drug benefit “the most fiscally irresponsible piece of legislation since the 1960’s.”  Read more at

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Where Does The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) Go From Here?

After spending more than $60M on 46 votes to repeal Obamacare the Republicans still have never offered any other plan to help insure the 40 million Americans who didn’t have, and couldn’t afford health insurance. Mitt Romney, the Republican, who when he was Governor of Massachusetts passed the health law that Obamacare is designed after. They would like to forget how much insurance premiums were rising and that since the Affordable Care Act was signed into law that the rate of increases has been reduced. The Republicans complain about “millions of policies being cancelled” but choose to not respond to where they were when millions of people who paid health insurance premiums for years had their policies cancelled once they became ill. The TeaPublican Republicans have no response about positive things that the Affordable Care Act have done like; allowing children to stay on their parents policies until the age of 26; or that insurance companies now have to spend at least 80% of the money they collect from premiums on the policy holders instead of giving themselves hugh salaries and bonuses; or how 40 million Americans who only had emergency rooms to use as their only access to healthcare, the most expensive way to pay for someone’s healthcare will now have healthcare plans and preventive medicine. What  we all need to do is work to fix the problems with The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act as they arise and get everyone affordable healthcare.

The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) Health Insurance Exchanges are OPEN, The Government is CLOSED!

October 1, 2013 HAPPY TUESDAY! from a sunny, Patchogue, NY where we’re going up to 70 degrees.

AWARENESS: To be happy is to become aware of oneself without fright. – WALTER BENJAMIN

INSIGHT: Sticking to your goals will pave the way to a satisfying and successful adult life.

SIGN UP FOR HEALTH INSURANCE ON HEALTHCARE.GOV TODAY. Encourage everyone that doesn’t have health insurance to sign up at, especially those ages 21 to 35.

The Republicans have SHUT DOWN the GOVERNMENT!

Quinnipiac Poll: Government Shutdown to Oppose Affordable Care Act (Obamacare):
Support: 22%
Oppose: 72%

Quinnipiac Poll: Opinions of Republicans in Congress:
Approve: 17% (This is the lowest score they have EVER gotten)
Disapprove: 74%

I’d like to meet the 17% of Americans who approve paying Congressmen $170,000/yr to do little more than obstruct almost every bit of legislation including Jobs, Infrastructure, Education, Immigration, or anything that would help the country and the American people.

CNN/ORC Poll: Thoughts on Congress:
Approve: 10%
Disapprove: 87%

NBC/Kaiser Family Foundation Poll: Enthusiastic about Affordable Care Act (Obamacare):
Democrats: 44%
Independents: 18%
Republicans 5%

The Affordable Care Act Health Insurance Exchanges ARE OPEN! but the U. S. Government has been SHUT DOWN by the Republican Party. Don’t believe any lies about who is at fault for the government shutting down. All that had to be done to avoid the government shutting down is that a clean bill for a Continuing Resolution (CR) had to be passed. Passing a CR has always been done and is normal, to allow the country to have money to continue operation the government, EXCEPT now because the Republicans decided they wanted to hold the country hostage by attaching a provision to defund the Affordable Care Act as part of passing a continuing resolution. That’s it! plain and simple. It wasn’t enough that the House Republicans spent taxpayer money voting to repeal the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) law more than 40 times, knowing that it would not happen, now they have shut down the government in another attempt to defund a law that has been a law for three years. The “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) was passed by both the House and the Senate, signed by the President, and upheld as being constitutional by the U. S. Supreme Court. This was all done in 2010. Today the health exchanges for people to sign up for healthcare open, even though the government is shut down. Yes, the 30 million Americans who could not afford healthcare insurance can sign up today to get affordable healthcare.

How Far Can People Be Pushed Before They Push Back?



How Far Can People Be Pushed Before
They Push Back? Volume 1 

(The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act)

  When People Stand Together and Actually DO What They Can DO We Are HEARD!

Anytime we can get people to stand together and act together we gain strength, this is why I’ve created this blog, and a Facebook page . I get frustrated when I see Tea Party members, and other Conservatives, saying absurd things that are totally untrue and outright lies. Then people make comments, act out at town hall meetings, and appear elsewhere in the media, because they actually BELIEVE the misinformation and outright lies that these obstructionists spew out. Politicians put this garbage out, not because they believe it, but because they’re only worried about their reelection, and people buy it!

I saw a post on Facebook by Robert Reich, author of “Beyond Outrage – What has gone wrong with our Economy and our Democracy, and how to Fix it.” It provoked many comments and emotions among people. I thought I would share the link to that post because it inspired me to post another piece to try to motivate people to speak up and get involved, which is the mission of this blog. 

Robert Reich’s Facebook page address is: This link brings you to his Facebook page, on it is a post he made on August 25, 2013. You can identify the post as it begins with “A few days ago I had breakfast with a man who had been one of my mentors in college,”.
I encourage you to read it, comment, and come back to this blog and comment on this article so I can hear what you think.

 People are being pushed further than ever before on many fronts. Inequality of Opportunity, Income inequality, we are being told that getting health insurance for 30 million uninsured people is not what we want, we are having to deal with a minimum wage that full-time workers, working a full 40 hours a week are living below the poverty level, we are told that if a women wants to have an abortion that she must consent to a trans-vaginal ultrasound that has not be deemed medically necessary by a doctor, (isn’t that assault?,) we are having to deal with numerous Voter ID laws that clearly discriminate against the poor and the minorities, we are told that no environmental concerns exist with fracking, pipelines, and deregulation of industries, we are told that the deregulation of the financial industry didn’t cause the near depression and wipe out people’s 401k’s and net worth, and much more rhetoric that is simply NOT TRUE!. ENOUGH!

People need to speak up! Many people say “What can I do? Plenty. History shows that when people stand together and speak out by flooding the offices of politicians with enough calls, e-mails and other personal contact, that we can pressure them to do the right thing. But we must flood them with contact. We must let them know, that we know, what they are doing. There are links on this blog page for people to find out who there representatives are, how to contact them, and to see how their Representatives are voting on bills. . If you want to get involved and don’t know who your Congressmen, Senators, and other Representatives are, please use the links on this page to find out who they are, and how to contact them. Do it now! It’s as simple as putting in your zip code, and for your local politicians, your address. We can make a difference! Speak to your neighbors, coworkers, friends, and encourage them to seek out various sources for news and information. The internet is a useful tool but people need to be aware that anyone can write anything they want on the internet, so they have to look at numerous sources, and respected sources. People should visit fact-checking organizations; here are a couple sites ,  and not accept when people in the conservative party say “we will not let fact-checking get in the way of our agenda”

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Volume 1 emphasis) 

Why aren’t people telling their Governors, Congressman, and Senators that it is NOT O.K. to do NOTHING! Elected officials get a golden healthcare plan, for life, and turn right around and vote 40 times to repeal Obamacare which will help 30 million uninsured Americans get health insurance. Governors in many states refuse to implement “The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act”, a LAW, not a bill, (which many conservatives insist on still calling it.) They refuse to set up insurance exchanges so people can sign up on October 1, 2013. In lieu of setting up exchanges they must come up with alternatives. One state decided that a viable alternative was to have a lottery where only 2500 people would “win” an opportunity to get health insurance. The problem? there were numerous, 1) there are 3 million people uninsured in that state, 2) everyone had to call within the same 2-3 hour window and 3) it was announced on the news that the phone lines were closed, before they ever actually opened. One woman that was in the hospital for surgery, she was under anesthesia and couldn’t call. She was told that she had the opportunity just as everyone else in the state did and she was out of luck. One person who “won” the lottery actually didn’t get health insurance but did get a 19 page application that a lawyer for the news agency reporting on this lottery said “was confusing and it was not probable that citizens could possibly complete accurately.”

This is where states stood as of June 13, 2013:

Where the States Stand

Via: The Advisory Board Company

and this site tracks executive and legislative action taken to achieve—or totally rule out—expansion in each state.

Please get involved, be heard. Tell the Congress that it is not O.K. for them to make a salary of $29,000 for 9 days work in all of August when they have done nothing to help Americans yet voted 40 times to repeal “The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act!”