Let’s Hope America Can Start Moving Forward and Stop The Nonsense

Cartoon by web.media.mit.edu

Government Open, Debt Ceiling Lifted, Can We Move On To the Many Things That Have Been Neglected Now?

The fact that we got to this point, and how we got here, is not only embarrassing for the country, but it hurt the country in many ways, and very deeply. The economy lost a great deal. On October 1st Bloomberg News stated “A partial shutdown of the federal government will cost the U.S. at least $300 million a day in lost economic output at the start, according to IHS Inc. In sixteen days that would be $4.8 Billion, but it’s actually worse than that because it lasted so long. I guess we need to be grateful the end of the shutdown and the threat of default is behind us but it doesn’t feel like a time to celebrate. There are many families that have lost and will not be able to make back what was lost during this shutdown. Although the Federal workers may be paid for their time off, all the people, and businesses, that service them, and depend on income from tourists around our National Parks will never see the income they lost come back. For now, I guess we just have to be grateful it’s over.
Graphic by www.jpayplans.com

 Time to Start Rebuilding, Dealing With All The Other Issues That Were Neglected During the Obstructions

First we need to fix the enrollment computer problems for the Affordable Care Act. We have so many things that need tending it’s hard to think of what to do next; Jobs (maybe an infrastructure bill,) Immigration, Economy, Voting Rights, Equality, Climate, etc., etc.. The Congressmen/women and Senators must find a way to work together in the best interest of the people of this great country. The obstructionism and hatred has hurt this country but we shall overcome it. Perhaps we can at least start talking about some of these issues before the next round of talks about continuing resolutions and debt ceilings start again in January and February. There are many things in the works that need to be addressed like voter suppression laws in over 30 states, Women’s Rights that are being attacked, and the corruption of our politicians and elections that Citizen’s United has blown wide open. We’ll have to hope that the U.S. Supreme Court doesn’t make it ten times worse with McCutcheon v FEC. But “what can I do?” you might ask. You can gather facts from numerous sources, that’s important, and then contact your Congressmen/women and Senators.

Now is an Opportune Time to Contact YOUR Representatives to tell Them How YOU Feel about the Issues that We face

Graphic by capwiz.com

 Get the Facts First!

With news cycles being almost non-existent as far as how long a news cycle actually last with cable news and the internet it is more important than ever to make sure that you rely on more than one source, and the credibility  of those sources. I think it is extremely important to listen to different sources on any issue to know I’m hearing both sides, although at times I almost get sick to my stomach and wonder why it’s legal for our own politicians to knowingly go on TV or radio and lie, knowing damn well that they are lying. Once your sure you’ve formed an opinion from gathering facts from numerous sources e-mail, or call, your Congressmen/women, ans Senators (2) to tell them what YOU think would be better for yourself and the country. History shows that when the American people get involved and contact their representatives your voice gets louder and louder. You can make a difference. Finally, take the time to engage in conversation with your neighbors, your co-workers, your fellow Americans and have discussions on why you think a certain way. We obviously need to talk to the people who are representing us in the government, because right now all they hear is from the big money influences that only care about themselves having everything their way. The richest Americans have done extremely well since they took all the 401k’s, people’s equity in their homes (if they were able to keep their home at all,) basically their net worth. Middle class Americans have had stagnant wages and no growth because the 1% has all the money and the power because they control our lawmakers.
Use this link to find your Congressmen/women and how to call or e-mail them:
Use this link to find your Two (2) Senators and how to call or e-mail them:

Let’s Get Our Country Back to The Beautiful Country That It Is

Photo by walkerreort.blogspot.com

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